August 14, 2010

Dr Fox - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Dr Declan Fox, Family Physician
Dr Declan Fox is visiting our practice for a three week period and will be seeing patients on Friday afternoons.

Dr Fox is a Northern Irish GP (Family Physician) who is experienced in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).  CBT is commonly called "talking therapy".   It is very effective for patients with anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain, and panic attacks.

Dr Fox has been coming to work in PEI for around 10 years now - mainly over in West Prince.  He is completing his diploma in CBT, and will be returning to visit our practice again next year.  On his next visit, as well as seeing patients, he will be training our nursing staff in how to support patients who are using self-directed CBT.  That is, CBT using the excellent self-help website Living Life to the Full and the self-help books written by Professor Chris Williams of Glasgow University. We have several copies of Dr Williams' books Overcoming Depression and Overcoming Anxiety in our medical library.  These books are available to our patients to take out on loan.

If you would like more information about CBT, please book an appointment with one of our Practice Nurses.

CBT practitioners are sadly quite rare, and we'd like to thank Dr Fox for taking the time to help out our patients and staff.  We are sure that the patients who meet him will find him as thoughtful, helpful and caring as we do.

August 7, 2010

Colour coded staff uniforms

We are a large medical practice with a large team. It's important that patients, staff and visitors can easily and quickly identify different staff groups. This improves safety and efficiency.

That is why we have standardised staff uniforms that are colour coded.

Registered Nurses wear navy blue tunics. Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) wear 'hospital blue' tunics. Health Care/Pharmacy Technicians wear white tunics.

Registered Nurses (RNs) wear navy blue tunics

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) wear 'hospital blue' tunics

Health Care Technicians and our Pharmacy Technician wear white tunics

Receptionists wear a black and white pattern tunic.

The licensed physicians, our Practice Pharmacist, and the management team will continue to wear street-clothes ('civvies').

The staff uniform color coding for our Sherwood practice and our Strachur practice are based on the Scottish National Health Service (NHS Scotland) national uniforms (although we are still using the 'old' uniform style which is more appropriate for primary care) and the NHS Scotland staff dress code.