Update September 2011:
Our office is now closed and the contact details below are no longer in service.
We welcome thank you cards, comments and suggestions at the clinic.
Our office is now closed and the contact details below are no longer in service.
We welcome thank you cards, comments and suggestions at the clinic.
If you have any suggestions for how we could improve our clinical services, or if you would like to see a new clinical service, our Clinical Services Development Manager would be happy to hear from you. Call 1-902-894-7369 and ask to speak to her, write to her, or email her at liz.sajdak@phoenixmedicalpractice.net.
Medical care is highly complex and, even at the best clinics, things sometimes do not go as planned. Where we identify things that could possibly be done better, we use 'Significant Event Analysis' forms to improve the way we do things.
In the event that you are unhappy with any aspect of your medical care, please inform a member of staff. Alternatively, you can contact the Practice Manager who is our Complaints Officer.
Call 894-7369 and ask to speak to the Practice Manager, or email her at jane.davis.moore@phoenixmedicalpractice.net or write to her:
Call 894-7369 and ask to speak to the Practice Manager, or email her at jane.davis.moore@phoenixmedicalpractice.net or write to her:
Jane Davis-Moore
Practice Manager
Practice Manager
The Phoenix Medical Practice
15 Brackley Point Road
Charlottetown PE C1A 6Y1
We aim to deal with all complaints within two weeks, offering an explanation of what happened, what we have done to prevent this happening again, and - where appropriate - an apology.
We are constantly looking to improve the care we provide. All feedback - positive and negative - and Significant Event Analyses are discussed internally at our regular practice meetings (patient details are removed where appropriate). Significant Events are reviewed after a set period of time to ensure any suggested changes have actually taken place. Feedback and Significant Events are also externally reviewed annually by an independent family physician as part of our formal appraisal process.
Content with the potential to cause offense / upset
Due to our zero-tolerance policy towards abuse, feedback which contains content with the potential to cause upset or offense may delay resolution of your feedback. If your feedback contains content with the potential to cause upset, it will be returned with the offending content highlighted and instructions to modify and resubmit the feedback. Content with the potential to cause offense or upset includes swearing, hostile, threatening, racist, sexist, libelous, sarcastic or passive aggressive comments. To avoid delays, please avoid such content when providing feedback.
Content with the potential to cause offense / upset
Due to our zero-tolerance policy towards abuse, feedback which contains content with the potential to cause upset or offense may delay resolution of your feedback. If your feedback contains content with the potential to cause upset, it will be returned with the offending content highlighted and instructions to modify and resubmit the feedback. Content with the potential to cause offense or upset includes swearing, hostile, threatening, racist, sexist, libelous, sarcastic or passive aggressive comments. To avoid delays, please avoid such content when providing feedback.
Should you be unhappy with our handling of a complaint, or you don't wish to use our internal complaint process, you can also write to:
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Prince Edward Island
199 Grafton Street
CharlottetownPE C1A 1L2.
199 Grafton Street
CharlottetownPE C1A 1L2.