Management Team | Reception Team | Nursing Team | Medical Team | Pharmacy Team |
As a patient of the Phoenix Medical Practice, you have access to a large, modern team of health care providers and support staff. They are all trained to provide a professional and safe service. This helps us ensure that you have easy access to high quality care.
Colour Coded Uniforms make it easy to work out who is who.
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RNs wear navy blue uniforms | LPNs wear 'hospital blue' uniforms | Technicians wear white tunics | Receptionists wear gray tunics |
Jane Davis-Moore, Practice Manager
Jane is a highly experienced manager with a special interest in customer service, having worked as an manager and area manager for two large chains in the UK before moving to PEI.
Jane is a highly experienced manager with a special interest in customer service, having worked as an manager and area manager for two large chains in the UK before moving to PEI.
Liz Sajdak - Clinical Services Development Manager
Liz trained as a Registered Nurse and Health Visitor in the UK before entering health management and working in the UK's National Health Service and Health PEI. She has a special interest in quality of care, patient engagement, and patient empowerment
The Practice Manager is the key management person in any modern family practice. She makes sure that the practice runs smoothly and efficiently. She ensures we provide good customer service, deals with any complaints, oversees the practice budget and payroll, oversees staff training, handles internal discipline, and deals with any day to day issues as they arise.
The Clinical Services Development Manager is responsible for helping develop and run our primary care services. She engages with patients and monitors quality as well as assisting with the recruitment and training of doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals to our team. She also liases with outside services such as Health PEI and other PEI health care providers.
If you have any suggestions for services you would like to see in the Phoenix Medical Practice, ask to speak to the Clinical Services Development Manager or the Practice Manager.
The Reception Team
Michelle Laskow-Pooley - Lead Receptionist
Liz trained as a Registered Nurse and Health Visitor in the UK before entering health management and working in the UK's National Health Service and Health PEI. She has a special interest in quality of care, patient engagement, and patient empowerment
The Practice Manager is the key management person in any modern family practice. She makes sure that the practice runs smoothly and efficiently. She ensures we provide good customer service, deals with any complaints, oversees the practice budget and payroll, oversees staff training, handles internal discipline, and deals with any day to day issues as they arise.
The Clinical Services Development Manager is responsible for helping develop and run our primary care services. She engages with patients and monitors quality as well as assisting with the recruitment and training of doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals to our team. She also liases with outside services such as Health PEI and other PEI health care providers.
If you have any suggestions for services you would like to see in the Phoenix Medical Practice, ask to speak to the Clinical Services Development Manager or the Practice Manager.
The Reception Team
Michelle Laskow-Pooley - Lead Receptionist
The lead receptionist works closely with the practice manager to ensure the smooth running of the reception.
Michelle has a background in customer service and trained as a Lead Receptionist in the UK's National Health Service before returning to Canada in 2010.
Michelle has a background in customer service and trained as a Lead Receptionist in the UK's National Health Service before returning to Canada in 2010.
Tara Fraser - Receptionist
Tara is an experienced medical receptionist having worked for several years in medical offices in PEI.
Loralee Landry - Receptionist
Loralee completed her medical receptionist training at Holland College in 2011.
R.N., B.A.(Hons.), P.G.Dip. Health and Social Care
Ellie is the Nursing Team Leader. She is responsible for overseeing the Practice Nursing Team, nurse training, and for developing nurse services.
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Heather has a special interest in Mental Health and Diabetes nursing care.
Heather has a special interest in Mental Health and Diabetes nursing care.
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Alicia has a special interest in Pediatric, Well Baby, Ante-Natal, and Post-natal nursing care.
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Dawn runs our Treatment Room and has a special interest in wound management and diabetic foot care.
The bulk of our workload is prevention and chronic disease monitoring. Chronic diseases are diseases or conditions that last a long time.
The bulk of our workload is prevention and chronic disease monitoring. Chronic diseases are diseases or conditions that last a long time.
We keep registers of patients with each of the chronic problems we deal with. You may hear us talk about the fact that you are on the 'Hypertension register' or the 'Diabetes register'.
Monitoring chronic diseases, and education patients about their disease, is carried out by our team of Practice Nurses*. They do this by following international chronic disease prevention and management guidelines. The idea is to keep our patients as healthy as possible and avoid complications rather than treating them only when they become ill.
We currently have three Practice Nurses doing this work. Ellie Earnshaw is a Registerd Nurse and is the team leader. Heather Larter, and Alicia Maceachern are Licensed Practical Nurses.
We practice pro-active preventative medicine. As well as picking up issues when you attend the doctor, we also recall patients on a regular basis depending on their level of illness. The nurses will call you during the year regarding your regular monitoring.
If you wish to opt out out of screening or management, then let the nurses know and they will add you to one or more 'exemption' patient registers depending on your wishes.
We currently have one full time GP (family physician) working at the Phoenix Medical Practice. We are set up as a group medical practice to have three to more family physicians working in it. So we plan to add more full time doctors to our staff as we grow over the next few years.
M.B. Ch.B., B.Sc.(Med.Sci.), Dip. I.M.C.(R.C.S.Ed.)
Dr Coull is a full time family physician with a special interest in health information technology and modernisation of family practice.
Dr Fox provides locum cover for us at various times during the year. He has a special interest in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).
We look after a large number of patients. To make sure all our patients have good access to good quality health care, we have a team of technicians who assist the doctor.
Muditha studied medicine in Sri Lanka, has a special interest in cancer treatment, and has a diploma in radiotherapy from the International Atomic Energy Association.
Sarath Ekanayake - Health Care Technician
Sarath Ekanayake - Health Care Technician
Sarath studied medicine in Sri Lanka and was Medical Director for a health district of 200,000 patients in Sri Lanka before moving to PEI.
When you book an appointment to see the doctor, you may be seen first by a technician. The technician will ask you what is wrong (take a history) and may perform some simple measurements (such as blood pressure). They will then get all of your recent test results, letters, and other relevant information ready for the doctor.
When you book an appointment to see the doctor, you may be seen first by a technician. The technician will ask you what is wrong (take a history) and may perform some simple measurements (such as blood pressure). They will then get all of your recent test results, letters, and other relevant information ready for the doctor.
While the doctor is seeing you, the technician will be documenting what is going on and will be arranging any treatment, tests, or other paperwork that that the doctor requests.
The technician will also arrange any follow up appointments for you.
Health Care Technicians have a similar role to Medical Assistants that are common in the US. They are not licensed physicians and they are not Physician Assistants - they are not allowed to diagnose illness or prescribe medication. The Health Care Technician will usually have been to medical school, have practiced as a physician in another country, and will be working towards obtaining a license to practice in Canada. Their knowledge is extremely helpful when it comes to documenting and organizing your care. And the experience they gain will help them adjust to working in the Canadian health care system.
Their help makes us extremely efficient, and means that we can provide high quality care to more patients. This combination of safety and efficiency is only possible using this system of care.
B.Sc. Hons. (Pharmacy), P.G.Dip. Prescribing Science
Fiona provides advice on medications, medication reviews, and has a special interest in smoking cessation and travel advice.
Melissa Murphy - Pharmacy Technician
Melissa Murphy - Pharmacy Technician
Melissa is an experienced Pharmacy Technician having worked for several years with Murphy's Pharmacies on PEI.
If you need medication refills, then you will usually be seen by our Pharmacy Technician. They will ask you questions about your medications, check when you last had your blood tests, blood pressure etc., and when you last had any relevant chronic disease reviews with our nursing team.
If you need medication refills, then you will usually be seen by our Pharmacy Technician. They will ask you questions about your medications, check when you last had your blood tests, blood pressure etc., and when you last had any relevant chronic disease reviews with our nursing team.
The doctor or pharmacist will then check your prescription and discuss any changes or problems with you.
Our pharmacist may call you in for a more detailed medication review. This is useful for patients on medications with possible side effects or long term problems. It is also useful for patients who are on a lot of medications.
If you are having problems with the cost of your medications, then the pharmacy team will do their best to find cheaper alternatives for you. They may be able to arrange a compassionate (free) supply of a medication, or help with forms for your insurance company or Medicare.
More information:
Dr Coull, born in Denmark, is the son of a Danish politician and Scottish teacher. He attended Hutchesons' Grammar School in Glasgow before studying medicine at St. Andrews University, Scotland, and Manchester University, England. He qualified as a doctor in 1993 and then went on to complete five years of additional training to become a General Practitioner (Family Physician) in 1998, mainly in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis.
Dr Coull worked as a long-term locum for R K Coull Ltd mainly covering the Highlands and Islands of Scotland from 1998 to 2006 before taking over the Strachur Medical Practice in Argyll, Scotland, in 2006. He has been an emergency Pre-Hospital (EMS) doctor for many years, including training with Paramedic Response Unit Papa Mike 2 in Glasgow in 1993 and spending 18 months on-call as a flight doctor aboard the Stornoway Coastguard Rescue Helicopter from 1996 to 1998. Dr Coull has been writing computer programs since 1982 and created the online locum matching service which launched in the UK in 2002. His first book, The Locum Doctor Survival Guide, was published in 2005.
Dr Coull moved to PEI with his wife and two daughters in 2007.
* The term 'Practice Nurse' (or 'Family Practice Nurse') refers to nurses that work in a Medical Practice alongside Family Physicians. They are fully qualified nurses, usually with special training in primary care.