Patients can now book an appointment with our Pharmacy Technician, Melissa Murphy.
Melissa can help if you are having problems meeting the cost of of your medications. For example, there may be a cheaper equivalent drug. Or you may be able to obtain a Drug Exemption from Medicare. Or you may be able to obtain the drugs free from the manufacturer on a compassionate basis.
There is no charge for this service.
We are also developing a Pharmacy Adviser service. This will be a pharmacist who will advise us on our prescribing. For example, if there is new evidence about the effectiveness or safety of medications. Or if a medication is withdrawn, the Pharmacy Adviser can recommend the best alternative.
Also, the Pharmacy Adviser will be able to help us draw up and monitor our Practice Formulary. This is the list of medications that we will be recommending as being the best choice for various conditions. At the same time, the Pharmacy Adviser can monitor the level of prescribing of various types of drugs via our computer system and advise us of any areas where we might be prescribing too few or too many medications.
This will help us provide a better and safer service to our patients.
DO you know if you need any vaccine's for going to Mexico? Also do I need a note from you to take my EPI-PEN with me and will I have to pay you to type a quick note?
Travel advice is complex.
You can drop in to see our Treatment Room Nurse (or phone and make an appointment) for travel advice.
She can also provide you with a letter for your travels.
Travel advice is not covered by medicare, so there is a fee for this service.
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