Christmas Message 2010
Poverty affects us all - lets work to eliminate poverty - 'feel good' giving is a symptom, not a cure.
The need for charity is something that makes me very angry. It reminds me that our society is unjust. The poor continue to be poor, while the rich get richer. Rich people 'feeling good' about giving a few dollars or a few hours of their time to the 'deserving poor' is something I would love to see the end of.
In a fair society, the rich would pay more in tax and that money would go to raising the poor out of poverty.
In their book The Spirit Level, Richard Wilkinson and Kate Picket argue that everyone - rich and poor - is more happy in societies where the gap between rich and poor is less*. Money can't buy you happiness if it makes someone else poorer. We certainly see that every day in our medical practice. Patients who are sick and dying because they can't afford basic medications. They don't need charity, they need free prescriptions funded by taxpayers. Not only will the poor be happier then (they won't die as young), but the rich will be happier too (their tax money won't be wasted on unnecessary hospital admissions). I regularly waste tens of thousands of dollars of tax payers money admitting patients to hospital because they could not afford a $60 prescription. I'm tired of seeing legions of patients who are not poor, but are stressed and miserable because of the fear of losing money and becoming poor. If we had a proper social safety net, that fear would be less and they would be happier.
And don't waste time on the kind of ignorant narcissism displayed by far too many successful people that the poor are poor because of their own choices. We are all the product of our genes and our environment. The rich stack the table against the poor from before conception (leverage) and then add insult to injury by blaming the poor for being poor. 'Feel-good' giving to charity based on that view is like running someone down with your car and then feeling good about yourself because you gave them a band-aid.
A recent report by PEI MLAs recommends that our Social Assistance programs need an overhaul and more money. This, they say, is a matter of social justice not charity.
This Christmas season lets do some real good. Lets express some justified anger. Lets push for a future in which charity 'turkey drives' are just a memory of a dark and unfair past.
1 comment:
I don't agree with raising taxes for the rich but I do agree that the poor need to be giving a line and after that they must go get educated to get out of the pay income they are in. So many are brought up with the attitude that is how you live.. that's how my parents were. Our gov't is not full responsible for your income. Too many get away with oh poor me attitude where they should be getting.. we (gov't ) will help for this set of months While you go back to school to get educated. You don't you lose $$$.
It is a crutch. Have more children while on assistance. you are cut off.. we are too slack with this mentality. Some even have credit cards.. doesn't make sense.. like 2+2=5.
If I was running the welfare office.. all of it would be changed and cleaned up in a year
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