
We aim to provide essential medical services free at the point of need to all our patients.

There are, however, some non-essential medical services for which there is a fee.  For example, insurance reports or travel advice.  Also, patients without medicare coverage (eg: foreign tourists) will need to pay for non-emergency care as well.

Doctor (one to one)Non-Medicare $135.00
per 20mins
Doctor with Technician*Non-Medicare $30.00
per 20 mins Technician Time
Practice Nurse*Non-Medicare $30.00
per 15mins
Psychotherapy/CBT*Non-Medicare $80.00
per 25mins
Driver's Medical
(excluding vision)
Simple Doctor's letter (within regular consultation)$20.00
Simple Medical Form or Letter (requiring a separate appointment)$70.00
Complex Medical Form or Letter$400.00/hr
medical time
nursing time
$ 90.00/hr
techn time
Ear Syringing*Non-medicare $20.00
12 Lead ECG*Non-medicare $20.00
Blood sample*Non-medicare $10.00
24hr BP*Non-medicare $50.00
Sleep Study*Non-medicare $50.00
Travel Advice$45 per family/trip
includes administration of vaccines
IM Injection*Non-medicare $12.00
* Covered by medicare - no charge for patients with a valid Medicare card (except patients from Quebec)

No shows (or cancellations with less than 24hrs notice) for all patients may be charged,  at our discretion, at the above rates or at $1.50 per minute.

Updated 26th January 2011