
At the Phoenix Medical Practice we provide a wide range of family practice medical services.  We have a team of over ten Health Care Professionals ready to help you - Family Physician, Practice Nurses, Treatment Room Nurse, Phlebotomist, Practice Pharmacist,  Pharmacy Technicians, and Health Care Technicians.

Acute medical care
Urgent medical problems can be seen quickly at our daily Rapid Access Clinic or Walk In Clinic.

Long term medical care
More complex problems can be seen by our family physician at our medical clinic.  We have an early evening clinic once a week for patients who cannot come in during the normal working day.

Chronic Conditions
Our team of Practice Nurses see patients with long term illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, or depression.  Our aim is to prevent complications and keep you as well as possible for as long as possible.

Family planning / Sexual Health
Our Practice Pharmacist and Practice Nurses are happy to advise anyone on contraception, sexual health, or any other aspect of family planning.

Ante-natal care
Our Practice Nurses provide an ante-natal care service.  They will help you throughout your pregnancy, including providing a referral to one of the local obstetricians to share you care with.

Child health surveillance
We provide regular well-baby checks and child health checks.

Well person screening
We are able to give health advice, prevention, and screening for important medical problems to our patients.

Ear syringing
Our Treatment Room Nurse uses a Pro-Pulse ear syringing machine.  It is low-pressure pulsed warm water which is the comfortable, safe way to have your ears syringed.

Wart clinic
Our Treatment Room Nurse provides a medicare wart clinic.

Wound care including post-op staples / suture removal

Free Flu shot Clinic

Warfarin Monitoring
Our Treatment Room Nurse can test your INR while you wait and adjust your warfarin dose for you based on your family physician's recommendations.

Tests and investigations
Blood tests
Cardiograms (12 lead ECG/EKG)
Cardiac event monitoring
Mini-spirometry (breathing test)
24 hour Blood Pressure monitoring*
Overnight oximetry* (sleep studies)

Travel advice
Our Practice Pharmacist provides up-to-date travel advice, and you can have any vaccinations you need from our Treatment Room Nurse.  There is a per-visit/family fee which is not covered by medicare, but which might be covererd by your private insurer.  

You don't have to be one of our patients to see our nursing teams or attend a walk-in-clinic, but some medicare items require a requisition from a doctor.

If we are unable to provide a medical service ourselves, we will try to refer you to a provider that can.

Rapid Access Clinic / Walk In Clinic

The Rapid Access Clinics and Walk In Clinics are designed to quickly see patients with simple short-term problems. For example, sore throats, coughs, colds, urinary tract infections, simple backache, sprains and injuries.

The clinics are staffed by a family doctor assisted by Health Care Technicians and/or Practice Nurses.

Appointments for Rapid Acces can be booked up to 1 week in advance.

If you attend the Rapid Access Clinic or Walk In Clinic and your issue turns out to be more complex than can be dealt with in a short appointment, then we will do what we can and you will be booked in with the appropriate medical and/or nursing clinics to follow up your problem.


We are pro-active in our screening and prevention. We can do this because we are computerized, and so we know exactly (or we should!) what has and has not been done for each of our patients.

This means that rather than waiting for our patients to come to us (the old 'annual physical' that most patients are still used to), we call the patients to ask them to attend for screening and prevention.

Depending on your age and medical history, your screening may includes any or all of the following:
- Cardiac / Stroke Risk Calculation
- Blood Pressure Check
- 24hr Blood Pressure Check
- Cholesterol screening
- Thyroid screening
- Diabetes screening
- Weight
- Lifestyle advice (diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol, other drugs, safe sexual activity)
- Hearing Test (audiometry)
- Heart murmur screening (phonocardiography)
- Cardiogram (12 lead ECG)
- Cardiac Event Monitor (to pick up heart rhythm problems)
- Oxygen measurement (Spo2)
- Breathing test (Spirometry)
- Overnight Breathing Test (Modified Sleep Study)
- PAP test
- Breast examination
- Prostate screening

All of the above screening can be done in the clinic by our Practice Nurses and/or Health Care Technicians*.

The screening is computerized, so if any of the screening tests we recommend for you have not been performed over the course of the year, you will be invited to attend the clinic to complete your screening.

* Digital Rectal Examination for prostate screening, where recommended, is carried out by the doctor. Some of the listed tests/screening will only be available once we move to our larger offices in March of 2010.