November 30, 2009

Dr Ashby's Patients Joining Our Clinic

Dr. Ashby has asked us to take over the care for some of her patients, as she will be returning to work next year part time.

We're delighted to have her patients join us.

If you have received a letter in the mail from Dr. Ashby asking you to register with us, then please use our online registration page.

Don't forget to print out and return your Patient Access Form to us - unless we receive that form we will not be able to register you.

Dr. Ashby's office has already sent a list of patients who are joining our clinic to the Provincial Register, so you don't need to call them yourself.

Welcome to our clinic - we look forward to seeing you.


Anonymous said...

How do you handle blood work results.. do you wait to get a call or does the patient need to make an appointment to check on the results. My old Dr. would call me... if the med dose needed to be changed so we didn't waste each others time.

Dr Coull said...

Handling blood results is always a tricky issue.

To avoid wasting everyone's time, we have a policy that we call the patient if there is anything on the result worth discussing.

However, the danger with this policy is what happens to missing results. If the result does not come back to us at all then we may miss an abnormality.

If a test is particularly important, we may ask you to make a follow up appointment just to be certain we don't miss anything.

I was at the CMPA (our defense organisation) conference last year in Halifax on reducing risk to patients. This topic was discussed as being the biggest risk for errors in primary care.

We are looking at implementing a system where our electronic record screens for missing results based on the electronic lab recs that we use.

Hopefully we can have that up and running this year to improve patient safety without having to drag all of our patients back after every test.